iEDRM: eMag's new approach to the old EDRM
Leveraging decades of experience, eMag’s innovative managed services and eDiscovery solution combine on-site or remote eDiscovery experts and award winning technology to support a unique, innovative approach to the EDRM lifecycle. eMag’s iEDRM model is designed to transcend data silos and speed the overall eDiscovery process with an iterative and adaptable approach. Rather than individual steps in a linear progression described in the traditional EDRM, eMag recognizes that eDiscovery in practice is more fluid and complex. In order to adjust quickly to new issues that may arise for the duration of a case, they have remodeled their solution. They can quickly find information relevant to the case, eliminate unnecessary steps, and upload it to the hosting platform with minimal, or no lag time.
By Guest Blogger: eMag Solutions LLC