Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Don't keep all emails- just keep the right information #LTNY #LegalIT

Since many email archiving systems were first developed with little long term, real world experience for email usage, they lacked foresight into the reliance on email and increasing volumes and sizes of emails. The products were based on simple philosophies to archive everything and then permit the Administrator to manage the data at a later date, if the system had recognized superfluous information. This is a potentially dangerous scenario if the goal of the archiving system is not only to meet a regulatory requirement, but rather to protect the company in the event of a lawsuit. 

There is growing acceptance that organizations should NOT archive everything unless the law or a particular internal driver demands it. Companies are beginning to realize there is an inherent liability to old emails in that they are potentially a smoking gun.

Since many archiving solutions were developed during the early phases of market development, it is no wonder that most system architectures required importing the bulk data into the archiving database before any eDiscovery could begin.


There are some weaknesses with this approach:


1. Legal, Audit and other potential departmental constituents for the data will have a constant dependency on the IT team. This is very slow and costly.

2. Potential liabilities will exist within the data. Data that is not required to be kept should be removed

3. Even if the superfluous data is purged after importing, it will have been logged and indexed; potentially incriminating data will exist residually.

4. Data can be hidden (deliberately or accidentally) making it difficult to ensure that everything has been archived.

5. Server and storage infrastructure will expand far faster than it needs to.

C2C ArchiveOne is an enterprise class yet cost effective email archiving solution. It is easily scalable with low impact on IT resources. Advanced Discovery excels at identifying and collecting data, providing early unmanaged content analysis and filtering.  ArchiveOne meets the demands of the business specialist by allowing them to focus on the discovery and retention of data and corporate policy.


By Guest Blogger: C2C Systems