Monday, May 14, 2012

LLM Presents: Keys For Successful Inside-Outside Partnerships

In an age when the Internet and technology reign supreme and data is increasing exponentially, the future of litigation is changing. Corporations don’t have time or money to waste on stagnant legal plans and murky details; everyone is now operating in real time and decisions need to be reached faster. With these rapid changes, inside and outside counsel can no longer afford to simply work together; it is imperative that they work well together. Corporate counsel must forge strong working relationships with both outside counsel and services providers – relationships that are both dynamic and fluid as well as powered by effective communication. In this article we will outline a three-point process and two accompanying cycles that – if followed proactively – corporations will find helps their litigation efforts gain efficiency and effectiveness.


Published in the April issue of The Metropolitan Corporate Counsel

By Guest Blogger: Liquid Litigation Management, Inc.