Wednesday, June 1, 2016

The Future of Processing Audio and Video Media to Support the Rapidly Evolving Regulatory Industries

Veritone launched an enterprise SaaS application of its CMP to address one of the law enforcement industry’s major challenges - managing the avalanche of unstructured audio and video content generated from body cameras, interrogation videos, surveillance cameras and dispatcher audio recordings. Veritone’s SaaS-based, camera and hardware agnostic service enables local, state and federal law enforcement agencies to optimize existing investments, and cost effectively analyze, index, archive, and share insights to solve crimes and uncover critical relationships. 

In conjunction, Veritone introduced an enterprise SaaS application for the Legal industry that significantly exceeds the capabilities of standard eDiscovery services for audio and video content that leverages our powerful cognitive engines to extract critical information and insights such as whowas talking, where the conversation took place and whatthe sentiment of the conversation was. Veritone’s CMP also provides near real-time, synchronized playback with transcription, multi-language translation, facial ID and object recognition for video content, and much more. Veritone’s law firm and in-house legal department customers can now easily organize media content, find the "needle in the haystack" within thousands of hours of audio/video media content, collaborate with colleagues by compiling and sharing collections of pertinent case clips, and analyzecase discovery content via intuitive analytics and reporting dashboards.  

Veritone Enterprise is the future of processing audio and video media to support the rapidly evolving needs of regulatory industries, legal professionals and public safety. Nearly every business and organization is at risk of being overwhelmed by the challenge of managing the massive growth of audio-video content generated from in house systems, social media, public broadcasts, government agencies, and surveillance systems. In this session, Veritone explains cognitive computing and how this technology architecture supports the critical new requirements of legal and compliance professionals. 


Key Takeaways 

1. Digital audio and video content creates a new and growing risk across industries

2. New audio-video technologies must be available to support secure discovery, review and collaboration across large and small organizations  

3. Cloud based cognitive computing provides the scale, speed and simplicity required by professionals in eDiscovery, litigation services and compliance. 

By Guest Blogger: Veritone Enterprise