Monday, September 26, 2011

Step-by-Step Guide to Effective Early Case Assessment

Leading edge legal teams and litigation support providers are increasingly using 
investigative review techniques to perform genuine and effective early case 
assessments (ECA) for their clients.  These teams provide their clients with more 
thoughtful options, greater insights and a fact-based legal solution early in their 
litigation process.  This white paper explains ten practical steps which we believe can 
help any legal team provide the best ECA result for clients. It has been developed by 
Nuix from our discussions and engagement with our customers, including leading 
law firms, in-house legal teams, regulators, advisory firms and litigation support 
service providers in over 25 countries. These customers have placed strategic 
considerations and the critical facts of their cases at the center of their eDiscovery 
efforts, driving smarter and more innovative approaches to litigation.

By Guest Blogger: Nuix